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The body needs a lot of vitamins to effectively function. These vitamins aid in a host of body functions which are not often appreciated except when already experiencing deficiency related conditions such as impaired digestion, loss of faculties, and other conditions that ten to decrease body performance and that which usually impairs the senses.

Vitamin B12 Patches

Vitamin B12 which is responsible for blood formation is an important and integral part of our diet that when impaired can have dire consequences. And because it also helps in the active functioning of our nervous system including the brain, it is important that Vitamin B12 be included in our daily regimen. Vitamin B12 is soluble in water. Vitamin B12 is what we consider the largest and most complicated (structurally speaking) Vitamin in the eight vitamin groups.

Vitamin B12 symptoms usually manifest it when we have low blood pressure. Also called hypocobalaminemia, vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms can damage our tissues in the nervous system and can impair our immune system. Our body stores about five milligrams of vitamin B12 and fifty percent of them are stored in our liver. These stored vitamin B12 is lost as secretions (bile is excreted vitamin b12). However, these secretions are recycled by the body and our liver can store vitamin B12 that can last for several years. Genetic and diet dictates how well and how many B12 is stored in the body and with these factors (if condition is unfavorable) can cause vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms.

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are more prevalent and seen quickly among children when their dietary regimen lacks B12. Bierners disease which is a syndrome of vitamin B12 symptoms can result because of this deficiency.

Vitamin B12 Patches

Also called pernicious anemia, Berniers disease can be detected when the body shows signs of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms such as anemia, gastrointestinal, and neurological retardation. The bone marrow is affected when vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are present and your immune functions are affected as well. Dementia may also be seen in some case. Myelosis Funicularis as one of the vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms that may occur consists of impaired reflexes and perception.

When left unchecked vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms may be dangerous to an individual and can cause body damages which may not be reversed in the future. Mental faculties can be impaired and mental disorder is not impossible. A person who shows vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are often irritated and focus is usually a problem. To some individuals, a state of depression may occur and suicide is possible.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be checked by orally ingesting vitamin B12 which is present in food and supplements. A lifestyle check should be considered and limiting alcohol intake can help together with a good dietary regimen and physical exercise to allow the body to metabolize properly.

As it is vitamin B12 deficiency should be considered a danger to ones health and not to be shrugged off easily. Regular medical check-ups should be considered if you think you have this condition. A healthy lifestyle is always advisable.

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